Watch and experience the joy of raising butterflies from tiny eggs.
When they hatch you will have tiny eating machines. They can eat more than yout think, so be ready! All butterfly eggs need to be shipped next day air. Be sure to have on the time of arrival the correct host plant for the species you are ordering. You may order these plants through us or at your local dealer.
Depending on what type of butterfly eggs you order. You will see they have many colors and shapes. Why is this? In nature most eggs like caterpillars are made to blend in and hide from predators. Remember 1 in 100 eggs in nature make it. The rest don't. So, it's important they "hide".
Butterfly eggs hould be keep out of direct sunlight and cool.75-80 degrees is good. When they hatch you will have a hard time seeing them they are so small.
The USDA governs which Butterfly can be shipped into which state! Before you order go to the USDA Page to find out which butterflies can be shipped into your state